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Jim Carris Issues Statement – Brad Schneider Abandons 10th District Voters in Final Days Before Election

Libertyville, IL – In a move that shows just how out of touch he is, Brad Schneider has left Illinois’ 10th District high and dry in the final days before Election Day, choosing instead to campaign in Pennsylvania and Michigan. 

Jim Carris, Republican candidate for Illinois’ 10th Congressional District, issued the following statement:

“Brad Schneider’s ‘Anywhere but Our District’ tour is a slap in the face to the families of Illinois’ 10th District. 

While our communities face skyrocketing costs, spreading crime, and a loss of hope, Brad’s off campaigning in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and who knows where else—trying to raise money to build his power in Washington and buy political favors as he tries to climb the political ladder. He is truly what is wrong with Washington today.

Schneider’s decision to abandon his constituents proves one thing: his personal political ambitions come before the people he’s supposed to represent.

Under Schneider’s watch, the cost of living has exploded. A family of four is paying $1,000 more per month than it did just three and a half years ago. Home prices have surged by an average of 8% across the District, while the average electricity bill in Illinois has hit $115.92. Yet, Schneider is trying to line his own pockets with influence while local families are crying out for relief.

The people of the 10th District deserve a representative who puts them first, not a career politician chasing power, fame, and status while their struggles are ignored. We can’t keep making the same mistakes over and over by electing these self-interested partisan hacks.”